#6 Let It Be

Let It Be. A question from a reader: When we are doing the breathing, can we be doing other things at the same time, like praying or toning? Breath is expansive. I’ve suggested that you practice Hug your Heart for a few minutes while breathing. Beyond that, I’d like...

#7 Reverse It

Are you breathing? Drinking water? Have you lost your initial zeal? Just keep coming back. Reverse It Here’s a breath to try. Typically, we think of our breathing as beginning with inhalation, followed by exhalation. Try reversing the order. During your 15...

#8 Switch It

Consider this. You have a dominant hand. In other words, you’re either left-handed or right-handed. You also have a dominant eye. You tend to use one eye more than the other, to look first with one eye before the other. You probably have a dominant step. When...

#8a Tips, Mystery, Patterns

I heard from a couple people that it was too hard to alternate nostrils without using fingers. Then I found a drop-in beginners Yoga class near where we’re staying in Texas. The first teacher told us to use the “Sun and Moon Breath.” And she demonstrated...

#8 Replies

Here are some comments from Breath and Water Club members: First, let me tell you how much I enjoy receiving your emails. I know it will be a good day when I see your name in my in box. Secondly, last night I could not sleep, my mind was racing (I was thinking about...