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A NEW CHALLENGE FOR YOUR PRACTICE: Is there a way you can deepen your practice of generosity?

I recently heard this analogy about giving and receiving: If you want a breeze, you can open a window to let air in. But you get a much better breeze if you open a second window to let air out. To bring air in, you need to produce a flow. In other words, if you want to receive, it works better if you also give.

This was said in a sermon in a church. The topic was tithing — giving 10% of your income. Churches generally like you to tithe to them. But this preacher made a different suggestion. She suggested tithing to whoever or wherever you’ve received inspiration from.

This was exactly what I needed to hear. I’d been thinking about generosity, and if there was a way I could deepen mine. It began when I did a reading for a client who couldn’t afford to pay me. She said she was grateful for my generosity. But I love doing readings, there is nothing I’d rather do. If I love to do it, is it still generosity, I wondered?

I thought I would challenge myself to be generous in ways that didn’t come so easy. Was there a way I could structure generosity rather than have it always be spontaneous? Would generosity that was structured and predetermined still be so pleasing?

Then I heard the sermon. So I have been tithing 10% of my income. Whenever I make a bank deposit, I look back over the time since my last deposit and notice where I received inspiration. Then I send a check. Sometimes my tithing is anonymous, sometimes not.

This is a new kind of generosity for me. This is generosity that is challenging. My income is small, and 10% can sometimes feel like a chunk of change I can’t afford to lose. This is generosity that is structured and predetermined, rather than a spontaneous expression of goodwill. But I am finding that this challenging and structured generosity is also pleasing. I’m beginning to look forward to that next bank deposit in a whole new way.

This practice of tithing is also making me more aware of inspiration in the moment. Plus, because I so easily forget, I’m keeping track. The back page of my notebook has my inspiration list. That way, when it comes time to do my tithing, I just go over my list. And because of the list, I am re-inspired every time I read it!