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#382 This is Dedicated

"This is dedicated to the one I love." (Can you hear it?) That’s how I begin my 15 minutes of breathing every day. And the one I love is me! The totality of me. Body, mind, spirit, and all the aspects and dimensions of me I can only imagine. This is dedicated to the...

#381 Rosary, continued

Well, well. My statement that I purchased a rosary caused a bit of an uproar. “Please don’t tell me you’re praying the rosary!”  and “What are you gonna do with that rosary??? It’s almost scary to think of holding one!” were fairly typical replies. No, I’m not praying...

#380 My Rosary

I bought a rosary. You may know that I was raised Catholic. Although I was not a believer, I did attend 12 years of Catholic school. I’ve known many people who had to struggle hard to free themselves from the cords of religious beliefs, so I’m grateful I never...

#379 Shine!

I have these little notebooks scattered around my life. In them, I record things I’ve thought, or heard, or read. This morning I opened a drawer that I haven’t opened in who knows how long. There was one of my little notebooks! Here’s what I found: It’s true you were...

#378 Present Time

Remember that I asked you how you think about your spiritual practice? Here’s what someone wrote: Staying in the present.  For me, it really is as simple as that. Simple, I say — not easy!   My meditation practice is all about living in the moment, in the world as it...

#376 Be Here Now

It’s all well and good to talk about groovy psychedelic conscious breathing experiences, but I wouldn’t want to give the wrong impression — that is far from the norm for me. Take this morning for example. Our meditation room looks out on the garden. Did I mention that...

#375 Conscious Breathing

I’ve received more answers to my question "what is your way of thinking of your practice?” and I’ll share them. But I’ve had a few people ask, “Just what is this ‘conscious breathing’ you’re talking about?" Maybe a story is the best way to illustrate it. I’m always...

#374 Your replies

Last issue I asked, "what is your way of thinking of your practice?" Here’s the first response. I’m glad you asked about our practice! I started practicing Breath and Water when I took your class, probably 30 years ago. You said then that if we practiced Breath and...

#374 Sanctuary

My friend Marcy refers to her meditation practice as her Sanctuary. I think that’s a beautiful image. Sanctuary. It made me wonder—what is your way of thinking of your practice? Whether it’s Breath and Water, yoga, meditation, prayer, or something else, how does your...

#371 Gratitude, the Great Healer

Gratitude, the Great Healer Gratitude may not heal your broken bone; it may not heal your challenging desease; it may not heal your toothache. (Although, who knows?) But gratitude will heal your mindset. And your mindset contributes enormously to your situation....