November 30, 2010
I’m taking a week off. On our way from Duluth, Minnesota to Blanco, Texas, we’re stopped about mid-way, in Chanute, Kansas, with some perplexing trailer issues. I tend towards being anxious, worried, mad, and generally freaked out about it; and I want to use that tendency to remind myself to emanate love. Whew.
When I was sick with pneumonia, I stopped using my Intention Cards. I just recently returned to them. I love using them — they bring me serenity and enlightening introspection, and I love looking at them. And they bring positive results. I do imbue each set with the energy of joyful fulfillment before I put them in the mail; and from all reports it works. I am so glad! You can see them on my Web site.
I’ll be back with Tenacity Notes next week.
Don’t worry, I won’t keep talking about my Intention Cards in every Tenacity Notes. It’s just that I am so excited about them! But I do have one request — if you have any ideas about places/ways I can market/sell them, please let me know. Thank you kindly.