Spring is such a generous time of year.
Although spring is arriving at Blanco State Park, where I live in the winter, I do realize it’s not quite spring where many of you are. But maybe a great outpouring of generosity will attract spring to you.
Now is an excellent time to cultivate generosity.
First, notice how are you not generous in your life. Are you stingy with money, do you hold it close, do you spend it mainly on your own behalf? Then use money as a way to practice generosity. Give! And love the giving.
Are you stingy with your acceptance of others? Are you stingy with your curiosity about others? Are you stingy with your time?
Ponder this — the ways you are stingy are road signs directing you to the Way of Generosity.
Try it — between now and the fullness of summer, make generosity your spiritual practice.
Stay open, stay vulnerable, stay free. Cultivate generosity. And let me know how it goes.