All this political stufff is driving me crazy. And I don’t even have a TV!
My granddaughter, Amberley Brynn McGuire, was born a few days ago. I find myself wondering, “What kind of future can this child have? If some people have their way, she won’t have health care, or birth control, or any type of equality. She probably won’t have water or clean food. She won’t have unions or social security. She won’t have…”
Then, looking at her picture on my Facebook page, I happened to glance at a Tenacity Notes, also posted on Facebook. June 10, “Lamentations.” In it, I suggest that focusing on solutions feels better than lamenting. In fact, I suggest a specific solution. Whew, just what I needed!
I don’t know about you, but I’m glad that I sometimes look at back issues of Tenacity Notes.