You can think of perspective as the running commentary you have going in your head. How do you describe your life situations to yourself? Pay attention, and remember that if you can think one thing, you can think another. Not only that, if you can feel one thing, you can feel another.
“I know I will die. I know I live. In truth, what else do I really know?” Do you remember issue #23? That was the discussion about “What Do I Want?”
Maybe you’re going Christmas shopping, and you dread it—too much traffic, too many people, too little money, too much stress. If you can think one thing, you can think another thing. If you can feel one thing, you can feel another. Can you change your perspective about Christmas shopping? About Christmas?
In #23 I also said: “Life is endlessly mysterious and unknown. If I would create anything for my life, it is that I meet the mystery of life with curiosity, gratitude, and generosity.” In other words, how can curiosity, gratitude, and generosity inform your perspective?
These holidays are always filled with opportunities for us to expand out of our habitual ways. Use this time to become a Master of Perspective. In any situation, notice your perspective, and then change it. Play around with perspective and see how your perspective affects your posture, your mood, your sense of self.
As always, let me know how it goes.
Readings as gifts
Several people have asked about giving a reading from me as a gift. I think that’s a great idea. You can make your own gift certificate, or I can make one for you. Get in touch with me to talk about payment.
Here’s a comment about the last newsletter, connecting to your center:
* I woke up the other day, did a few minutes of breathing and thought: I should get out of the Breath and Water club because I’m so inconsistent with it. Then I read your letter today. Wow! What your letters do so well is to remind us of what we know and forget, AND point out something we know but can’t quite put a name to. For instance, I have felt this difference in my body that you call moving from the center. Sometimes, my motions feel so fluid and effortless, and other times, they feel so clunky and well, disconnected. And now you have named what this difference is. Thank you for calling my attention to it and for naming it.
And no, I won’t be quitting the newsletter anytime soon. Thank you!!
Oh my, don’t quit the Breath and Water Club because you’re inconsistent. If we had to be consistent to be a member, we wouldn’t have any members! Me included!