
A reader had this to say about Tenacity Notes #102 (the one with the José Martí poem):

“Your radical idea of leaving a conflict better than you found it is having a profound impact on my family. My daughter has been embroiled in conflict with her teenage son for a few years. Although I am not a part of the conflict, I have watched it and have been disturbed by it. After I received your newsletter, I wondered if there was a way that I could leave that conflict better than I find it. What I did was I showed your newsletter to my daughter.

She resisted your idea at first; she has been so committed to being right. But she was eventually able to see the wisdom in your idea. She continues to work out just what it means for her to leave this conflict better than she found it. But I believe that she has taken it to heart.

I had been afraid that my daughter and her son would become permanently estranged, they were so at odds. But now there is hope. You have given me hope, and you have given my daughter hope. And I believe you have also given it to my grandson, even if he doesn’t know it yet. Thank you for the wisdom you continue to dispense in your newsletters.”