When dawn doesn’t arrive until after 7 am, and twilight comes by 5, it’s the perfect time to dwell within. In the midst of the manic energy of the “holiday season,” stay with your breath. Luxuriate in the long evenings by expanding your breathing minutes. Welcome the morning darkness with the peaceful calm of your breath. Participate with the season of dark with awareness of the cave that is your lungs. Feel the air circulate, experience the magic of being alive.
This is the time to return to your breath and water practice if you’ve fallen away. This is the time to deepen your practice if you’ve been constant. Give yourself the gift of the season, and spend time in your own interior. Be tenacious — return, deepen, return, deepen.
In fact, on December 21, there will be an hour and twenty-five minutes more daylight here in Blanco than in Minneapolis. And while it is bitter cold in Minnesota, it is merely chilly here. I do miss the snow, and the hot chocolate after ice skating, and walking in the park after a big snowfall, and the exhilaration of true cold. I do miss it, but only briefly.
Tenacity Notes
I see that I have been sending the Breath and Water Club Newsletter every other month since I began the Tenacity Notes. If you subscribe to the Breath and Water newsletter, and you want to also recieve the weekly Tenacity Notes, email me to tell me so. jett@savvypsychic.com or jett@mm.com
Happy Anniversary
The first Breath and Water Club Newsletter was sent five years ago, on December 4, 2004! Congratulations to us, every one!