I’m on a vacation of sorts for the next couple of weeks — grandchildren are visiting. But that doesn’t mean that I am unavailable. Please call me and write to me as you wish. They may be young and energetic, but they do go to bed!
In the meantime, please don’t forget about generosity. Increase it. Enhance it. Dwell in it. Become it. Surrender to it. Allow it. Love it. Just do it!
Again this week, throw your arms wide open and say “YES!” to life as you find it.
Please let me know.
P.S. I added a page to my Web site, on the Where Is Jett? page http://www.savvypsychic.com/whereisjett.html. If you go to that page, and then click on See where I am now, you’ll see where I was last summer, which is also where I am this summer. I’m sorry I didn’t post last summer’s page sooner. I thought I had, but when I recently went looking for it, it wasn’t there. I finally found it, and posted it. I hope you enjoy the photos.