I’d been thinking about structure and the freedom that can be found within it, and about the value of practice, when someone sent me a link to this Oprah/Deepak Chopra 21-day on-line guided meditation thing. Hmmm, I thought, synchronistic timing. Structure and practice.
It can be easier to build your structure on an already existing one, rather than trying to do it all alone. And the support of a group can be very helpful. Think AA. Think the Breath and Water Club. Think Tenacity Notes!
So I checked it out, and here’s my report. Today is day 1, although day 1 stays current on the web site for a few days, so it’s ok to start late. The guided meditation is not long, nor, if today is any guide, is it directive. There is also an online journal, with a few questions to ponder and write about. And a thought for the day. It’s free. Maybe you’ll want to check it out, and hitch up with this already existing structure and practice.
https://chopracentermeditation.com/home/?acode=oprah (It was a bit of a puzzle to get signed up, but maybe that’s just me.)
Let me know.