
March 22, 2010

As you may know, every couple of months I publish the newsletter of the Breath and water Club. When I do that, I don’t publish a Tenacity Notes issue that week. Here, then, is The Breath and Water Club Newsletter #65.

You can find all the issues of the newsletter of the Breath and Water Club on my Web site.

Breathe: 15 minutes of intentional breathing twice a day.
Drink: 8 glasses of water a day.

Remember Icky Rice?
A reader suggested that I remind you to re-read the issues on eating and drinking:

*Imbue and Imbibe, #16
*Intentional Eating, #27
and Intentional Eating, #28
*Icky Rice #44

I re-read them, which got me to talking with friends and acquaintances about the ideas in them. So I’ve been hearing people’s stories about intent, and eating and drinking, and healing — and I am inspired all over again.

I invite you to read the issues and be inspired to investigate the possibilities you have to literally eat and drink health and well-being.