#32 Abortion, among other things

This issue is late because what I had planned to write kept getting shoved aside by what I am writing, which I resisted. Which is abortion. But first, how are you doing? I have offered you many practices over the past year. Imbue and imbibe, intentional eating,...

#33 Encouragement

You were very pleased with the last issue on abortion. Many of you forwarded the newsletter to your daughters, sisters, co-workers, mothers, and even priests. Many of you said that it helped make sense of your own miscarriages and abortions. I’m glad it was...

#44 Icky Rice

Icky Rice Over the years of the Breath and Water Club, several of you have suggested that I look at Masaru Emoto’s Messages In Water. Although I haven’t read his book, I did recently see his DVD. I got quite excited by the report of an experiment that a...

#65 Eat Well-being

Remember Icky Rice? A reader suggested that I remind you to re-read the issues on eating and drinking: Imbue and Imbibe, #16 Intentional Eating, #27 and Intentional Eating, #28 Icky Rice #44 I re-read them, which got me to talking with friends and acquaintances about...


#34 March 22, 2010 As you may know, every couple of months I publish the newsletter of the Breath and water Club. When I do that, I don’t publish a Tenacity Notes issue that week. Here, then, is The Breath and Water Club Newsletter #65. You can find all the...